From the Mind of S.G. Blaise

The Blog

From the Mind of
S.G. Blaise

The Blog

Your character is swimming in a lake/bay. She squints at a shape coming toward her in the water. What does she think she sees?
Your character is swimming in a lake/bay. She squints at a shape coming toward her in the water. What does she think she sees?

Your character is swimming in a lake/bay. She squints at a shape coming toward her in the water. What does she think she sees?

I float on my back, on top of the balmy water in the bay. Sighing in contentment, I close my dark violet eyes against the harsh midday sunslight of summer. I snuck out of the Crystal Palace, away from the etiquette teachers who were hounding me about dancing, and...

Start a story with the line: “When I confronted him, he denied that he ever said it.”
Start a story with the line: “When I confronted him, he denied that he ever said it.”

Start a story with the line: “When I confronted him, he denied that he ever said it.”

“When I confronted him, he denied that he ever said it,” I say to Glenna as we walk deeper into the snow covered forest, outside the Crystal Palace. Glenna shakes her head in disappointment, then frowns and asks, “Who is this ‘he’ again?” She picks up a few...

A Letter to My Child

A Letter to My Child

You have greatness in you. You have greatness in you. You have greatness in you. Your greatness is not the same as my greatness, or anyone else’s. It’s yours. You can be anything you want to be. ANYTHING. You have to let out your greatness. Stop allowing...



When I first started writing, back in 2013, I had a lot on my plate. I had just started writing the first draft of my book; I still had to learn the craft; I was participating in a Read & Critique group, where we would critique each other’s manuscripts; and I...

You wake up in an open field, wearing an astronaut suit, lying on a surfboard. What happened?
You wake up in an open field, wearing an astronaut suit, lying on a surfboard. What happened?

You wake up in an open field, wearing an astronaut suit, lying on a surfboard. What happened?

I wake up with a mother of all migraines, like lightning, hammering my brain. My mouth feels like it’s full of cotton balls. Everything hurts as if I got hit by a car. Was I? I groan and open my eyes. Above me, a humidity covered surface that looks a lot like a...



I joined Twitter right at the start back in 2009. I immediately tweeted. I’ve never forgotten what that tweet was. It was brilliant. Engaging. Relevant. Quite possibly the perfect tweet.  Ready? It said: I’m making chili. I know, right? This tweet was so...

Your character is swimming in a lake/bay. She squints at a shape coming toward her in the water. What does she think she sees?
Your character is swimming in a lake/bay. She squints at a shape coming toward her in the water. What does she think she sees?

Your character is swimming in a lake/bay. She squints at a shape coming toward her in the water. What does she think she sees?

I float on my back, on top of the balmy water in the bay. Sighing in contentment, I close my dark violet eyes against the harsh midday sunslight of summer. I snuck out of the Crystal Palace, away from the etiquette teachers who were hounding me about dancing, and...

Start a story with the line: “When I confronted him, he denied that he ever said it.”
Start a story with the line: “When I confronted him, he denied that he ever said it.”

Start a story with the line: “When I confronted him, he denied that he ever said it.”

“When I confronted him, he denied that he ever said it,” I say to Glenna as we walk deeper into the snow covered forest, outside the Crystal Palace. Glenna shakes her head in disappointment, then frowns and asks, “Who is this ‘he’ again?” She picks up a few...

A Letter to My Child

A Letter to My Child

You have greatness in you. You have greatness in you. You have greatness in you. Your greatness is not the same as my greatness, or anyone else’s. It’s yours. You can be anything you want to be. ANYTHING. You have to let out your greatness. Stop allowing...



When I first started writing, back in 2013, I had a lot on my plate. I had just started writing the first draft of my book; I still had to learn the craft; I was participating in a Read & Critique group, where we would critique each other’s manuscripts; and I...

You wake up in an open field, wearing an astronaut suit, lying on a surfboard. What happened?
You wake up in an open field, wearing an astronaut suit, lying on a surfboard. What happened?

You wake up in an open field, wearing an astronaut suit, lying on a surfboard. What happened?

I wake up with a mother of all migraines, like lightning, hammering my brain. My mouth feels like it’s full of cotton balls. Everything hurts as if I got hit by a car. Was I? I groan and open my eyes. Above me, a humidity covered surface that looks a lot like a...



I joined Twitter right at the start back in 2009. I immediately tweeted. I’ve never forgotten what that tweet was. It was brilliant. Engaging. Relevant. Quite possibly the perfect tweet.  Ready? It said: I’m making chili. I know, right? This tweet was so...

Your character is swimming in a lake/bay. She squints at a shape coming toward her in the water. What does she think she sees?
Your character is swimming in a lake/bay. She squints at a shape coming toward her in the water. What does she think she sees?

Your character is swimming in a lake/bay. She squints at a shape coming toward her in the water. What does she think she sees?

I float on my back, on top of the balmy water in the bay. Sighing in contentment, I close my dark violet eyes against the harsh midday sunslight of summer. I snuck out of the Crystal Palace, away from the etiquette teachers who were hounding me about dancing, and...

Start a story with the line: “When I confronted him, he denied that he ever said it.”
Start a story with the line: “When I confronted him, he denied that he ever said it.”

Start a story with the line: “When I confronted him, he denied that he ever said it.”

“When I confronted him, he denied that he ever said it,” I say to Glenna as we walk deeper into the snow covered forest, outside the Crystal Palace. Glenna shakes her head in disappointment, then frowns and asks, “Who is this ‘he’ again?” She picks up a few...

A Letter to My Child

A Letter to My Child

You have greatness in you. You have greatness in you. You have greatness in you. Your greatness is not the same as my greatness, or anyone else’s. It’s yours. You can be anything you want to be. ANYTHING. You have to let out your greatness. Stop allowing...



When I first started writing, back in 2013, I had a lot on my plate. I had just started writing the first draft of my book; I still had to learn the craft; I was participating in a Read & Critique group, where we would critique each other’s manuscripts; and I...

You wake up in an open field, wearing an astronaut suit, lying on a surfboard. What happened?
You wake up in an open field, wearing an astronaut suit, lying on a surfboard. What happened?

You wake up in an open field, wearing an astronaut suit, lying on a surfboard. What happened?

I wake up with a mother of all migraines, like lightning, hammering my brain. My mouth feels like it’s full of cotton balls. Everything hurts as if I got hit by a car. Was I? I groan and open my eyes. Above me, a humidity covered surface that looks a lot like a...



I joined Twitter right at the start back in 2009. I immediately tweeted. I’ve never forgotten what that tweet was. It was brilliant. Engaging. Relevant. Quite possibly the perfect tweet.  Ready? It said: I’m making chili. I know, right? This tweet was so...

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