I joined Twitter right at the start back in 2009.

I immediately tweeted.

I’ve never forgotten what that tweet was. It was brilliant. Engaging. Relevant. Quite possibly the perfect tweet. 


It said: I’m making chili.

I know, right?

This tweet was so perfect that for years it was the only thing on my feed.

I mean how could I possibly top something so heart wrenching and touching as the process of making chili.

No how. 

With this tweet I explored layers of human life. The idea of someone creating something new from a bunch of ingredients is mind blowing! And it was for dinner! With leftovers to freeze!

It’s true.

The very simplicity of this tweet is what made it to be so enduring. Memorable. I dare to say unforgettable.

But all good things must come to an end. And a second tweet followed it, as I said many years after the first one’s occurrence.

This one only said: Breakfast is done.

At least keeping it within the food theme.

All content on this website is copyrighted by S.G. Blaise 2023.