The US Review of Books: Focus Review The Last Lumenian

Blaise’s debut novel is bursting with deeply thought-out world building, tension, and a wide cast of characters with a blend of science fiction and fantasy. The plot follows Lilla, the ma’hana (princess) of Uhna, the wealthiest planet in the Pax Septum...

SD Voyager Rising Stars: Meet S.G. Blaise

Today we’d like to introduce you to S.G. Blaise. Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started? Read more here:...

Bookish Elf Interview: SG Blaise

S G Blaise was born in a faraway land of castles, monarchies and fallen dictatorships. Hollywood movies were forbidden under the Soviet oppression during her childhood, but her dad smuggled them in anyway, risking his life so that his children could experience the...

Indie Reader Approved Author SG Blaise

“THE HARDEST PART OF BEING AN INDIE IS DEALING WITH BEING UNDERESTIMATED…” The Last Lumenian received a 4+ star review, making it an IndieReader Approved title. Following find an interview with author SG Blaise. Read more here:...

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