Jean Book Nerd S.G. Blaise Interview – True Teryn

S.G. Blaise was born in a faraway land of castles, monarchies and fallen dictatorships, aka Hungary. Hollywood movies were forbidden under Soviet oppression during her childhood, but her dad smuggled them in anyway, risking his life so that his children could...

Snowflakes in a Blizzard: True Teryn

Lilla must recruit the biggest and most dangerous army in the Seven Galaxies, but the Teryn emperor will not comply unless Lilla earns the blessing of the Teryn Guardian Goddess Laoise. Read more here:...

RisingShadow Q&A with S.G. Blaise

Risingshadow has an opportunity to feature a curated Q&A with S.G. Blaise. S.G. Blaise is the author of The Last Lumenian and its sequel, True Teryn. About the author: Inspired by her own upbringing in Hungary under Soviet oppression, author S.G. Blaise wants...

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