Apollo is the master of doggie language (i.e.: whining.) He has perfected his tone over the years to, well, perfection. He also tends to communicate in full sentences, sometimes even in paragraphs.

Here is his vocabulary of tones (whining):

Auf – I need to be fed or taken out, RIGHT NOW!

Long whine, with a questioning uplift at the end – Have you seen my tennis ball? I know I left it here, somewhere.

Whine with a sob at the end – my family left me! I don’t want to die so young! Whatever am I going to do?!

Multiple long whines followed by small grunts – I want to play with you! Come play with me! Now! Now! Now!

Small grunt followed by long and short whine in quick succession – Someone PLEASE take me down the stairs. I have been asking over and over! My life is so hard!

Finally, multiple sneezes – I’m so happy to see you!!! I’ve missed you so much!

As I mentioned earlier, Apollo is quite a communicator and doggie language pioneer.


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