Apollo, just like his older brother Zeus, spends most of his time sleeping. He likes to curl over his two paws, with his back turned toward the big, scary world.

His favorite dream is when he gets to bark uninterrupted. He makes the cutest and softest little barks–though they are still full of passion and ire. He must be the alpha dog of the house, the one who gets to bark first and last.

Other times, he dreams of chasing flies–Apollo despises the pesky insects that fly into his face and bother him while he is trying to pee. He is also partial to chasing bees or big round beetles. He has the same issue with them too.

Last, he dreams of snuggling in with his Mom (she always gives him tasty treats), or his Dad (who gives the best neck scratches), or with his human brother (who plays with him for a long time, i.e.: five minutes) or with his most favorite person–Grandma

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